Can I Smile Like the Buddha?
As long as we are governed by the negative emotions of craving and attachment that arise from a fundamental misunderstanding about the true source of happiness, we remain prisoners of suffering. – Mark Magill, “Why is the Buddha Smiling?”
What makes me truly happy?
- A job well done
- Time well spent with family or friends
- A good book and/or movie
- A well deserved compliment
- A bar of chocolate or a big slice of cake
- A full stomach
- A good night’s sleep or an after-meal nap
- A warm blanket on a chilly night
- A fluffy pillow and a soft bed
- The enlightened look on a person’s face after a lecture/training/coaching session
- The smile on a friend’s face when meeting for the first time after some time of being away from each other
- Laughter shared with friends/colleagues
- The touch and presence of a loved one
- The knowledge that I am doing ok
I look at my list above and know that there are more things that make happy, things, events or people that I can’t think of at the moment, lots of things, actually. The list could go on and on and on…
But no matter how long the list goes, why is it that I still find myself unhappy most of the time? I am not a hard person to please. I laugh easily. I get content easily. But why do I find it hard to tell myself that I am truly happy?
Why do I “remain a prisoner of suffering”?
What is the true source of happiness?
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