Random Pensieve

My personal pensieve for my precious thoughts on life, love, etc. (a.k.a. my much ado about nothing)

Monday, January 17, 2005

A "Cleaner" Year

Finally, after weeks of planning, I have finished, over the weekend, my first batch of base material for my home-made detergent.

Well, actually I came up with three batches. The first one got over-cooked (red detergent, anyone?), the second one was under-cooked (how about some pasty detergent?), the last batch, however, was just perfect. For a first-time manufacturer, that is.

I have to wait for a week, though, to complete the required curing of the batch. By this weekend I'll be adding in the finishing touches. Haven't bought new supplies of oils yet, so I'll just be using whatever I'm using in my oil burner (hmmm, lavender or eucalyptus scented detergent, anyone? hehehe).

I'm excited and looking forward to going "full blast" with this project. After a lousy year (2004 having fallen right smack in the middle of my first saturn return), I am looking forward to a more productive, focused, and yes, cleaner year.


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