It's Official!
Beginning tomorrow, I will be part of the government's statistics on unemployed Filipinos.
I feel a little sad. I have grown attached to my PC, having shared 2 years of active, professional life with it. Hehehehe
But seriously, I am presently both happy and mad.
Happy because I can move on. I can do stuff I have wanted to do but couldn't because of lack of time or because it was unethical. I am free, and for that I am happy.
Mad, also, because I have been back-stabbed. I was a willing victim of an a**-licking and double-crossing intellectual leech! I shared everything I know with this low-life who knew a lot about selling equipment but nothing of process design. What do I get in return? Nothing but negative vibes! Oh, if only I had not promised to myself not to leak certain information to the industry...
But as it is, I am bound to keep this information to myself. I will let divine justice to take its course (with a little prodding from me once in a while to expedite it).
I am not completely in the losing end, though. I have been offered (by the same management) to take a rather drastically different path, albeit an interesting one.
I am cautiously weighing out my options. I am at that stage where what I do will determine the next 29 years of my life.
I am thankful that all these are happening now. My eyes are being slowly opened. I am learning.
The teacher will come when the pupil is ready, as the old saying goes. I hope I am an apt pupil (as an aside, I love this Stephen King short story).
An old chapter has just closed. A new one is beginning.
I pray for the strength and the grace to stand and move on...
At 12:45 PM,
Anonymous said…
I am very much aware of my shortcomings – as a father to my 2 kids, as a husband, as a son, as a sibling, as a co-worker, as an employee, as a friend, as a Christian. I make mistakes (lots of them) and I’m definitely far from being a perfect person.
But I have to take exceptions to your accusations against me.
First of all, I am neither a double-crosser nor a leech. My family barely makes both ends meet and if I will be out of work for just a month, we have to relocate to the province (para may matulugan) because we will be driven out from the apartment that we are renting. But that will not be a reason for me to hang on to my job at whatever cost. I will not debase myself nor compromise my faith for financial consideration.
I am also not a back-stabber. This accusation is not only very painful but also very ironic. You know why? I actually gave “the management” a good account of you (which I did because of my high regard of you, personally and professionally) that’s why the “other job” was discussed with you. No, I’m not saying this to claim that you actually owes me a debt of gratitude (I’m not used to counting somebody’s debts – whether gratitude or money, which is why maybe we are financially struggling). I’m just driving a point that I think is quite obvious. I’ll have to admit that even before I was asked by “the management” about you, you are already being seriously considered for that job, as told to me by “the management”. Your capabilities are being recognized by “the management” contrary to what you might be feeling. I believe that they are far more intelligent to be easily influenced by any negative comments from me, as implied in your accusations.
The decision regarding the company, while painful & hard for the management, is a simple business decision given the very limited options.
I also want to belie your contention about my knowledge on process design. While you are definitely better than me (I know you are very intelligent, aside from coming from a very good school and having acquired a very good experience) in this aspect, I believe I know enough about this subject mainly gained from my own experience and self-study. I’ve learned some from you but I believe you learned something from me too. I am not saying this to counter your threat about “exposing” me. I would advise you not to stoop that low just to get back at me, if you are bent on doing that. If I’m incompetent, the clients or everybody else will simply know it. Competence can’t be faked. I’m not that good.
I hardly slept last night thinking of the vilification I got from you. I can’t help but wonder how you came into your conclusion. Sana, you gave me the benefit of the doubt if someone had told you that I’ve said or done things against you. While we were not exactly good friends, I was neither hostile to you and has been very professional in my treatment of you as a co-worker.
If you still want to clear things up, we can talk anytime.
At 8:15 PM,
jan said…
miss you mike! i wish you the best ;)
At 10:48 PM,
Mike said…
to anonymous,
yes, we need to talk...
and i am so sorry for the accusations...
i believe everything you wrote here...
At 12:18 AM,
Paul Ancheta said…
This post and counter-post touched me completely as a person who has always believed in bridges and breezes.
While it's been a while since this thread has been made, I do hope that both of you have both moved forward amicably. You will see that the distance of time and space between you will justify the reasons for your amicable parting.
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