Random Pensieve

My personal pensieve for my precious thoughts on life, love, etc. (a.k.a. my much ado about nothing)

Wednesday, September 22, 2004

The Amazing (g)Race

I seem to be living my life daily like a race. Hell, in some days, like a rat race, even! There are always some deadlines to catch, goals to finish, dreams to fulfill. There are obstacles to hurdle, challenges to weather, and decisions to make. It's tiring most of the time and depressing some of the times. And in worst days, I can't help but want to quit.

But then again, there are days when the course seem smooth that I just breeze through it. Or, I'm so psyched up properly that nothing seems to bother me at all. It's those days that I can't help but think that LIFE IS GOOD!

But life ISN'T always good. Nor does life play fair. It's the harshest reality of life that in order to live, one must struggle. Survival of the fittest is the name of the game. It's a universal paradox that one must face death in order to live.

Dying to one's self and running life's race seem like an odd combination, but every athlete knows that these two come hand in hand. Every hurdle jumped and every lap ran requires a certain amount of letting go and risk-taking. A victory is not worth celebrating if gained without pain. No athlete is prouder than one who has the scars to show for his troubles.

And that is how I'm running my race. I stumble. I fall. I get hurt a lot. I win some. I lose some. I get battered by the elements, but I batter back. I run on, bruised and broken.

My only consolation is finally crossing the finish line, with head held high, amidst cheers of friends and loved ones in the crowd.

Everyday of my life is a race. Every day a leg to complete. Each day a new experience requiring a fresh infusion of grace and strength and hope.


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