Random Pensieve

My personal pensieve for my precious thoughts on life, love, etc. (a.k.a. my much ado about nothing)

Saturday, April 30, 2005

I'm 29?!

Got myself into an awkward (did I get the spelling right?) situation recently.

I was asked for my age and, without batting an eyelash, said, "I am 28 turning 29 this year."

I just realized my mistake when a friend of mine reacted violently when I told him the story. He said, "Anong 28, 29 ka na 'no, turning 30 this year!"

Now, don't get me wrong. My age has never been an issue. Honestly, it just slipped my mind (ooohhhh... I can even now see the faces of my friends!).

Life is such an interesting event that I wouldn't want to miss a single day of it. Not by any chance.

So, if by chance you hear me say that I am 28 turning 29 years old this year, just remind me. It's just the child within me trying to tide back the ebb of time.

Friday, April 29, 2005

Oh, Summer

The Fires of Bel are upon us
Amon Ra, in Cancer, does pass
When hands are fast
And longer days last
Oh, how long, shall Gaia remain parched?

Undeniably, summer is upon us once more, when long, hot days give way to short, warm nights.

A few nights ago, rain started to fall. One can hear Gaia sighing in temporary relief. I could not help but go out and stay under the rain for a much needed reprieve from the summer heat. It was also my way of welcoming the blessings that that isolated shower will bring.

The Great Mother holds back, but She showers blessings at just the right moment.

The Well has been replenished. I go and fetch at the Well.

Thursday, April 21, 2005

That T Word

Today, an officemate was terminated. As I do not want to go through what happened the last time, I will refrain from making any comments that I might regret later on.

However, what happened today made me re-think who I can and cannot trust.

I am trusting by nature. I have always believed that man is inherently good.

Lately, though, I have noticed that in some instances, I have been wrong in trusting some people. I am a poor judge of character. That is my weakness. Show me a little kindness and/or trustworthiness, and my impression sticks.

What happened today made me realize that this has to change.

I need to be more discerning of the people I trust.

Trust is important to me. I do my best to maintain people's trust on me. I find it difficult to be in a relationship where there is no trust.

The event today proved that some people just cannot be trusted. Ironically, these are the same people who have difficulty trusting others. I may never know their reasons for this, but one thing is for sure: I cannot thrive in an environment where trust is never valued.

I am at a cross-road (yes, again). May guidance be mine.

Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Mike's Back

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Someone I was chatting with a few days ago commented that I haven't updated my blog recently. My bestest bestfriend also called my attention to this fact last week.

I must agree, it has been a month since I last posted. But the thing was, my blog got screwed up (template-wise) and I was too lazy (well, too busy also) to fix it. I think I got it straightened already (Albert, you were right, about the width thingie, I guess I unknowingly changed it the last time I edited my template).

Anyhooo, I think I'm back. Tired. Need a break, actually.

Got sick recently (flu) and was bed-ridden for three days. Went back to work immediately after feeling a wee-bit better. Haven't had time to completely recover.


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