Random Pensieve

My personal pensieve for my precious thoughts on life, love, etc. (a.k.a. my much ado about nothing)

Sunday, October 31, 2004

Day 1

It's a day after my birthday.

I'm at the office, blogging. Haven't had any sleep yet. Had a blast of a party last night (hehehehe).

I'm 29 years old. Bummer.

Nothing much to write about right now. Brain is at auto-shut off.

Friday, October 29, 2004

Of Purpose and Passion

Some people live life with passion...

Others live life with a purpose...

And there are a few who live life both with passion and purpose...

I envy people who have found their passion, who have taken what they love doing most as their prime motivation in living their respective lives...

I envy people who have found their purpose, who have taken up their calling bravely and sought to accomplish it fully...

Unfortunately, I am neither of the three...

No, I am not living my life aimlessly...

And, yes, some things do interest me...

But there is nothing in my life that stands out as my sole purpose or my foremost passion...

Maybe I'm just too blind to see either...

Or maybe I've just been denying it...

Maybe I'm not even ready to accept the responsibility...

Who knows...

I don't...

Friday, October 22, 2004

Ahhh... Love

There is hope for humanity!

The two links below are from the separate livejournal accounts of two special people, one of which is my bestfriend.

Two types of love from two people full of love.

I love you guys!

Coming Out to the Family
Making an Impact in Other People's Lives*

*Note: Loved this post! Reinforces my belief that man is inherently good.

Thursday, October 21, 2004

A Little Dose of Laughter

It's 9:35 AM and I'm already at the office. For those who do not know me, 9:35 AM is quite an achievement. I was actually in by 7:30 AM but had to get a little shut eye since I haven't had any sleep since yesterday.

But that is not my point.

Since I was early (indulge me on this, please), I went checking the blogs of my friends for new posts and, at the same time, check out new blogs as well.

One of my favorite is Komedya. This blog I check regularly, specially during very stressful days. Reading the posts never fails to put a smile on my face, at the very least.

Just today, I stumbled upon this particular article in an interesting e-journal: Times New Romance. As always, the laughter the article solicited helped brighten up what would have been a long and tiring day at the office.

I love laughter. I love laughing at my self and with others (is this politically correct enough for everyone?). I am not good at delivering jokes, but I know a good joke when I hear one. Incidentally, I was awarded the "Most Infectious Laughter" in high school (no joke!).

Laughter has helped me and my family get through tough times. We laughed through our parents' separation (it was actually very surreal). Laughter allowed the wounds to heal faster, and forgiveness to flow unhindered.

When I was in college and my parents were struggling to support my studies, laughter allowed us to see through the fog of doubts and the hurdles of financial difficulties.

For someone who loves a good laugh, I have a very serious face. That is why I love looking at people who smile a lot. I love to be with people who know how to have lots of fun. I can spend hours just listening to and laughing at an interesting story.

I love working with people who have a great sense of humor. Laughter helps relieve tension at work and creates a conducive atmosphere for productivity at the office.

I am thankful for every chance to laugh, and a little dose of laughter each day is a healthy self-prescription I hope I can continue taking.

Friday, October 08, 2004

Of Blog Design and Office Memo

Added a new thingie in my blog (see below, as in waaay down there). Hope to fill it up with pictures and other stuff. I'm in some kind of blog design frenzy, which i know is temporary. I don't intend to do super stuff with the blog anyway. Just making it less "template-y" and more "me".

Also, a general office memo was circulated the other day highlighting, among other things, tardiness, absenteeism and proper office attire. Made me wonder if the memo wasn't intended for me alone. I have more to say on this matter (and I know a lot will happen when that memo hits the consciousness of all people concerned). Suffice it to say that for the last 2 days waking up early has been an ordeal. And I am itching to do something wicked! (evil grin)

Wednesday, October 06, 2004

Stuff Keeping Me Busy Lately

  1. Supervision of Ortigas project
  2. Two design proposals due last week
  3. Random Pensieve and Gladeshadow blogs
  4. Disciples II : Rise of the Elves (Legion Saga)
  5. Double birthday celebration of my mom and youngest brother over the weekend
  6. "Racket" alternatives

I Have Been Marquee-d!

After trying it out for atleast 24 hours, I have decided to remove most (yes, i left out one item hehehehe), of the marquees that I placed in my blog yesterday.

It was fun putting the marquees in and seeing it work in the blog. For a non-web designer, it was a great leap towards "techiness". But, as a dear friend said, the blog has lost some of its seriousness. Hey, without that element of seriousness, the blog wouldn't be "me".

But the remaining marquee shall stay to remind me that life isn't all that serious. That a little idiosyncracy here and there is healthy. That putting a smile on one's face, as well as those of others, will make survival a little more bearable.

Here's to the marquee! May it make the world a more pleasant place to live in!
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